What is the Income Shares Model?

The Illinois Income Shares Model (“IISM”) is the current method used by Illinois courts to calculate child support. Implemented in 2017, the IISM seeks to ensure fair financial contributions from both parents. Under the IISM, children receive the same proportion of parental income they would have if their parents were living together.

Key Principles

The core principle of the IISM is to distribute child support obligations between parents based on their combined income and the specific needs of the child. Here’s how it works:

Step 1 – Determine Combined Income of the parties: The first step is to calculate the combined net income of both parents. This includes all sources of income, with adjustments for taxes and other mandatory deductions.

Step 2 – Basic Child Support Obligation: Second, the combined income is used to find the basic child support obligation, which is the amount necessary to cover the child’s needs. This is based on factors such as the number of children and the total net income of the parents.

Step 3 – Allocate Support Between Parents: Third, the basic child support obligation is then divided between the parents based on their proportional share of the combined income. For example, if one parent earns 60% of the total combined income, they will be responsible for 60% of the child support obligation.

Considerations and Adjustments

The IISM also allows for several adjustments to ensure fairness and address unique circumstances. Some key considerations include:

  • Parenting Time: The IISM takes into account the amount of time each parent spends with the child, specifically overnight parenting time, which may result in adjustments to the support obligations.
  • Other Children: If either parent has other children to support, whether in the same household or from other relationships, may cause adjustment of child support to the party with the additional children.
  • Special Needs: Additional expenses for a child’s special needs, such as medical care or educational costs, may be added to the basic support obligation.

Benefits of the IISM

The IISM provides a more equitable framework for determining child support. It acknowledges the financial contributions of both parents and aims to maintain the child’s standard of living after a separation or divorce. By using a standardized approach, it also promotes consistency and predictability in child support determinations, making the process clearer and fairer for all parties involved.

In conclusion, the IISM stands as a modern, equitable method for calculating child support. By incorporating the combined incomes of both parents and considering the child’s specific needs, the IISM ensures a fair distribution of financial responsibilities. This model not only acknowledges the contributions of both parents but also seeks to maintain the child’s standard of living post-separation. Its emphasis on consistency, fairness, and predictability makes it a valuable framework for all parties involved in child support determinations. If you need help with pursuing or defending your Illinois child support lawsuit please click the link below contact our Chicago office and speak with one of our experienced family law attorneys https://jacobsonlegalservices.com/!