Personal Injury Awards and or Workers Compensation and Their Impact on Illinois Child Support Calculations?

Receiving personal injury awards or workers’ compensation may impact child support calculations in Illinois in the following ways: Receiving personal injury awards or workers’ compensation may impact child support calculations in Illinois in the following ways: Personal Injury Awards Personal injury awards, such as settlements or judgments, may be considered income for child support purposes.

Non-Recurring Income and Its Impact on Child Support?

Child support calculations in Illinois are designed to ensure that children receive the financial support they need from both parents. The process takes into account various types of income to determine the appropriate amount of child support. Non-recurring income, such as bonuses, inheritances, or one-time financial gains, may cause adjustments to support calculations by allowing

What Falls Under the Category of ‘Net Income’ in Child Support Calculations?

In Illinois, the calculation of child support is largely based on the parent’s net income. Net income is derived from various sources, with specific deductions applied to determine the actual amount available for child support. The 750 ILCS 5/505(a)(3)(B), gives a direct definition of net income stating that, “‘net income’ means gross income minus either

What is Considered Income for a Child Support Calculation in Illinois?

Child support is calculated using the income of both parents. Why both? This is to ensure that the child will receive the same financial care if their parents remained together. When it comes to figuring out what numbers to provide for income, this calculation process gets tricky. Some sources of income that are non-recurring or